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Elevate Love 7 Week Course

Elevate Love is a 7 week Intensive Coaching Program to heal your heart and create deep Soul Connection. Follow this highly effective course to heal emotional wounds, release past loves and call in love. This program is for you if you are ready to look inwards and move forwards IN LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

Program Outline

 This transformative process 

My Love Map

Dive deep into your Love Life on our first 90 minute call together. Expect laser focus, undeniable clarity and deeply felt heart healing from minute one. We will uncover energetic ties from past relationships, your single greatest block to the flow of love, your heart's deepest desire and more in this transformative initial call.


With knowledge comes power. It's time to understand your beliefs, attachments gain greater perspective and to understand the deeper, soul level meaning and lessons of your primary relationships. We will discover soul contracts and agreements, soul lessons and 

Past Lives

 Love at first sight, highly intense and seemingly out of proportion feelings and emotions, explosive sexual chemistry, a deep knowing after very little time, all of these can be signs of past life connections. Whilst wild and exciting they can cause havoc until uncovered and understood.


  • 90 minute Jumpstart Zoom video call 

  • 5 x 60 minute Zoom video sessions

  • Mon- Fri Email/What's app laser coaching and intuitive insights

  • Tailored Resources

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